
[Chapter] “The Varieties of Philanthrocapitalism in Latin America: Limits and Possibilities” in S. Haydon, T. Jung, and S. Russell, Eds., Handbook on Philanthrocapitalism (Amsterdam: Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

[Article]Trust, social protection, and compliance: Moral hazard in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic (with Samuel Arispe, Paula Muñoz, and Luisa Feline Freier), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 26, pp. 279-295, February 2023.

[Article] Prevalence of common mental health disorders in forcibly displaced populations versus labor migrants by migration phase: A meta-analysis (with Haley Carroll, Andrea Kvietok, Julia Pauschardt, and Luisa Feline Freier), Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 321, pp. 279-289, January 2023

[Article] Strengthening Global Institutional Philanthropy: Insights from an Organisational Capacity Index in Latin America (with Vicente León), Voluntary Sector Review, 15 (1), 162-181

[Article] Inequality in Chile’s philanthropic ecosystem: Evidence and implications (with Magdalena Aninat), Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, December 2022 (early view)

[Article]Gender and entrepreneurial propensity: An analysis of risk-taking and prosocial preferences in labor market entry decisions (with Vanina Farber and Patrick Reichert), Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 111-139, 2021

[Chapter] ‘Race,’ Ethnicity and Forced Displacement (with Luisa Feline Freier and Soledad Castillo) in Peter Adey et al., eds., Handbook of Displacement, London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020

[Article] Everything that Rises Must Converge: Huaicos, Communitas, and Humanitarian Exchange in Peru (with Alejandra Hidalgo, Erika León, and Vicente León), Human Organization 79 (3): 201–215, 2020

[Article] The Migration Journey and Mental Health: Evidence from Venezuelan Forced Migration (with Haley Carroll, Marta Luzes, and Luisa Feline Freier) Social Science & Medicine - Population Health 10, 100551, 2020

[Chapter] A Will in Search of Way: Philanthropy in Education in Peru (with Vicente León) in Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Joost Monks, Arushi Terway, Eds., Philanthropy in Education, Amsterdam: Edward Elgar, 2019. NORRAG Podcast

[Chapter] Looking through the Glass, Darkly: Microcredit in Peru in M. Bateman, S. Blankenburg, and R. Kozul-Wright, eds., Microcredit, Development, and Over-indebtedness, London: Routledge Press, 2018

[Chapter] Rosabeth Moss Kanter: A Kaleidoscopic Vision of Change in David Szabla, Bill Pasmore, and Mary Barnes eds., Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017 (2nd Edition, 2021)

[Chapter] Economic Aspects of Entrepreneurship: The Case of Peru in Colin Williams and Anjula Gurtoo, eds., Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies, London: Routledge Press, 2016

[Chapter] How Leaders Use Values-based Guidance Systems to Create Dynamic Capabilities (with Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Ethan Bernstein, and Ryan Raffaelli) in David Teece and Sunyoung Lee, eds., Oxford Handbook on Dynamic Capabilities, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015

[Chapter] Unbundling Institutional Reform: The Case of a Garment Cluster in Lima, Peru in Mai Thi Thanh Thai and Ekaterina Turkina, eds., Entrepreneurship in the Informal Economy: Models, Approaches and Prospects for Economic Development, New York: Routledge Press: 145-160, 2013

[Chapter] Critique of Reciprocity: Shifting Uses of Ayni among Andean groups in Robert Marshall, ed., Cooperation in Social and Economic Life (Society for Economic Anthropology Monograph Series) (Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press: 55-79, 2010

Working Papers

“Double Jeopardy: Adaptive Social Protection for Venezuelans in Peru during the Pandemic” (with Luisa Feline Freier and Denisse Pierola) (AEA Registry), International Migration Review, Revise and Resubmit

“‘Pa'lante!’ Perseverance, Progress and Mental Health among Venezuelan migrants in Peru” (with Haley Carroll, Luisa Feline Freier, and Talia Guevara), Journal of Migration and Health, Revise & Resubmit

“Exit, Voice, or Vocal Exit? Authoritarianism, Mass Displacement and (Im)mobility in Venezuela,” (with Luisa Feline Freier and Marta Castro) Migration Studies, Special Issue, Under Review

“Did pandemic cash transfers help or hurt?: Evidence from Poor Households in Peru” (with Veronica Frisancho and Pablo Lavado) (Summary: IPA; OSF Registry), Working Paper

“Immigration policy preferences and forms of trust in contexts of limited state capacity” (with William Allen, Luisa Feline Freier, Isabel Ruíz, and Carlos Vargas-Silva), Working Paper

“How Funding Strategy Shapes Philanthropic Organizational Capacity in a Developing Country: Evidence from Peru,” (with Vicente Leon), Working Paper

Freeing Financial Education via Tablets: Experimental Evidence from Colombia (with Orazio Attanasio, Lina Cardona-Sosa, and Pablo Lavado), NBER Working Paper 25929 (Summary; Scaling Vignette; AEA Registry)

Financial Education, Couple’s Communication, and Gender Norms: Explaining the Mixed Effects of Women’s Empowerment on Intra-household Bargaining BBVA Center for Financial Education Working Paper, 2020 (Summary)

Financial Resiliency and Partner Relationships during the Pandemic: Effects of an Informative Chatbot in Colombia (with Orazio Attanasio, Lina Cardona-Sosa, and Pablo Lavado) (Summary: J-PAL, IPA, IPA (Español) ; AEA Registry)

“Value capture, risk and autonomy: Opportunity evaluation decisions of social and commercial entrepreneurs” (with Vanina Farber and Patrick Reichert), Working Paper

“Are Collective Reparations Transitional or Transformational? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Study in Peru” (with Jorge Zavala), Working Paper

"To be or not to be a refugee: Self-identification and socio-economic integration of 'survival' migrants in the Global South" (with Luisa Feline Freier)

“The trade-off between open and closed network formation strategies: Evidence from Peruvian microenterprises” (with Edicson Luna)

“Enforcing Cooperation: The Impact of Information and Punishment in Infinitely Repeated Games” (with Edicson Luna)

“Corruption is not enough: Evidence on Local Candidate Preferences in Peru” (with José Incio and Paula Muñoz)

Works in Progress

“Can Smartphone Applications Help Caregivers Improve Early Childhood Development in Peru?” (with Orazio Attanasio and Pablo Lavado). (Summary, AEA Registry)

“Can Interactive Mobile Phone Games Help Consumers Detect and Prevent Fraud in Uganda?” (with Rafe Mazer) (Summary: IPA, AEA Registry)

“Mobile Financial Services, Consumer Protection and Dispute Resolution in Uganda” (with Rafe Mazer) (Summary: IPA; Data: Dataverse)

Spanish Publications

[Book] Hacia el fortalecimiento de la filantropía insitucional en América Latina (with Magdalena Aninat, Gabriel Berger, Rodrigo Villar, and Vicente León) (Lima: Editorial de la Universidad del Pacífico, 2020)

[Book] Hacia una nueva filantropía en el Perú (with Vicente León) (Lima: Editorial de la Universidad del Pacífico, 2018)

[Chapter] “Interacción, integración y potencial multidimensional de la migración venezolana en el Perú” In Manuel Dammert, Ed., Retos y agenda de la gestión metropolitana y local en Lima (Lima: Editorial de la Pontificia Universdad Católica del Perú, forthcoming) (with Luisa Feline Freier and Gustav Brauckmeyer

[Chapter] “Integración socio económica de los Venezolanos en el Perú” (with Denisse Piérola) in Feline Freier and Leda Pérez, Eds. La migración venezolana en el Perú (Lima: Editorial de la Universidad del Pacífico, 2023)

[Chapter] “¿Cómo entender la demanda? Principios para el diseño de inclusión financiera” (with Mauricio Romero), in Jorge Higenio Maldonado, Ed., Proyecto Capital: Diez Años Vinculando la Inclusión Financiera con la Protección Social (Bogotá: Fundación Ford / IDRC, 2018)

[Chapter] “Engañar o ser engañado: representación de la pérdida de confianza en el cine peruano” (with Luan Sánchez Pérez), in Liuba Kogan, Guadalupe Pérez, y Julio Villa, Eds., El Perú desde el cine: plano contra plano (Lima: Editorial de la Universidad del Pacífico, 2017)