Financial Inclusion

[Blog] Using consumer complaint data for targeting consumer protection (with Kyla Longman and Rafe Mazer), IPA Consumer Protection Blog, 2023

[Report] Levaraging customer compliants data to monitor consumer protection mobile services in Uganda (with Kyla Longman and Rafe Mazer), IPA Report for the Uganda Communications Commission, 2021

[Blog] Liberando la Educación Financiera a través de Tablets: Evidencia de una Evaluación Aleatorizada en Colombia (with Pablo Lavado), Foro económico, 2018


[Report] Cobertura de la cobertura mediática de la situación de personas refugiadas y migrantes(with various co-authors) ACNUR Peru, 2021

[Report] Estudio de opinión sobre la población extranjera en el Perú(with various co-authors) ACNUR Peru (with various co-authors) ACNUR Peru, 2021

[Article] For Venezuelan Migrants, COVID-19 Is Fueling a Mental Health Crisis (with Luisa Feline Freier and Marta Luzes) Americas Quarterly, 2020

[Blog] Seeing ‘Race’ through a Prism: Relational Socio-racial Hierarchies and Immigration (with Luisa Feline Freier) Compas, Oxford, 2020

[Blog] El estrés económico y la salud mental de los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos (with Luisa Feline Freier, Marta Luzes, and Denisse Pierola) Inter-American Development Bank Blog, 2020

[Policy Brief] Propuesta de Política Pública n.º5: COVID-19 y la importancia de políticas inclusivas Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico (CIUP), 2020

[Policy Brief] Propuesta de Política Pública n.º4: Migración Venezolana y salud mental Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico (CIUP), 2020

[Policy Brief] Propuesta de Política Pública n.º1: Hacia una integración humana Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico (CIUP), 2019

Philanthropy and Social Innovation

[Article] “Strengthening global institutional philanthropy: Insights from Latin America (with Vicente León) Alliance Magazine, October 2021

[Commentary] Para una nueva filantropía en el Perú (with Vicente León) El Comercio, 2018

[Blog] Merging two global company cultures Harvard Business Review Online, August 2015

[Article] Institutionalizing the Lima Museum of Art: Give and You Shall Receive ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall, pp. 73-75, 2014

Human Development

[Policy Report] Before Walking and Talking: Mapping the Gaps between Expert and Public Understandings of Early Childhood Development in Peru (with Marissa Fond & Nat Kendall-Taylor) FrameWorks Institute, 2018